About Me


 Hi! If you are here it’s because you want to know a bit more about me, so I better introduce myself I’m Daniel, an Indigenous boy, born on a Wonderful of Borneo Island, Sarawak (Land of Hornbill)
At age 13 I left my parents’ house and started my nomadic life as a Secondary School as a student. I first explored my beautiful Borneo Island, living in Baram Sarawak.

At the “tender” age of 21 I moved to Kuching (Cat City) to further my study in Accounting. an now I worked as an Accountant. I had a prestigious job. In 2012 I was started my new job as a Radio Presenter (Dee Jay) with one of the Local worldwide Radio. At the same time, I also doing a freelance Accounting service and Emcees. I was living in one of the Wonderful Capitals City. I had the “perfect life” but I wasn’t really happy.

I knew I didn’t want that life. It wasn’t the real me. Since a young age, I was crazy about exploring but my family wasn't wealthy, that I had to dream for many many years.

One day I decided that I had dreamed enough, and on 23rd of April 2015 I decided that in 2 months to save a money and buy a returned ticket to Jakarta. I was about to realize my biggest, wildest dreams, and I’ll never forget that day!
At 28, people expect you to settle down, and buy a property, but I decided to travel instead. Life is too short to wait for the right moment. Sure, I was scared to death and felt a lot of  pressure on me. Nobody understood why I was “throwing away ” my perfect, well-paid life.. And  for what? Travel?

I started my trip in South East Asia on the 23rd of April 2014, and my plans are to be able to travel  as much as I can.
I already experienced some crazy, amazing and funny moments so far: I had a very emotional night before my departure. I fell in love with Indonesia and the amazing Thailand and its people. I fell in love with Vietnam food and fantastic Singapore scenery.


My blog is my life, my job and my passion. What is it all about? I would like to send a message: No matter what your age is, or your budget, or status, you can travel and live your life on your own terms.
This website is dedicated to all those people who are not sure they are living the life they really want to, and think that it’s too late to change. Too late to learn a new language or to follow their dreams.

No matter if you are still studying or, like me, in your mid-thirties, forties, sixties or over. Do what you really want. If you like traveling or you have a big dream, save the money and just do it! It’s not always easy. All I know is that it is always WORTH IT.
 if I managed to succeed, believe me… Everybody can!
I am just another guy who believed enough in his dreams to make them happen. That’s really all it takes. Nothing more. No need to be rich and no special talents required.
This is what I really want from my blog: To convince you that you have the right to live your dreams, and to make you smile over my latest clumsy adventures! 🙂
I hope you enjoy reading my website. If I can help you in ANY WAY contact me, write a comment or whatever method you prefer (messages in a bottle and pigeons are fine too… just be patient for my reply! hahahahaa 😂😂😂 ).


  1. hi. cam ney mok contact kitak?

    1. contact utk apakah? ktk drop jak ur FB/Insta so that kmk boileh follow klk


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